Thursday, December 08, 2005

Smells like high school

I have officially reached F.U.B.A.R.

This last couple weeks of school have been hell. Of course, I've done it all to myself.

Anyone who has ever gone to college knows the feeling. You get so busy with life that your studies fall behind. This was my semester to do just that. The only problem is I slacked off for about a month. Ok, that's not the worst part. The fact that two of my classes are distance learning courses in which I watch the classs lectures on DVD, and I haven't in over a month, that is the worst part.

Tomorrow is the last day of the semester. Whereas in Spring 05 I felt confident that I was getting 2 A's and a B, this semester I'm getting at least 2 incompletes and possibly a third. Not exactly something to be proud of for sure. My only saving grace from getting that third incomplete, in my class called Rise and Fall of Rome, is that I get 20 pages worth of take-home exams completed by Sunday night. Sounds simple, right? Not when 75% of them consist of essays.

So, here I am, cramming about a month's worth of info into my brain over a 48 hour period so I can write a bunch of essays. Strangely enough, I've been having flashbacks of high school. In high school I would've thrown in the towel and said 'fuck it.' Well, I'm about to dive back into my materials on the Romans. Somewhere along the way, I hope to learn: who the second greatest emperor was (other than Caesar Augustus), figure out what Plutarch thought of the Gracchi Brothers, define a single cause of the fall of the Republic, and lastly identify 8 different terms and figures.

Ah, school.


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